Saturday, 8 October 2016

Recovery From Osteitis Pubis | Adductor Spasm | Exercises

Hello Reader,

Am back again and this time with some pleasant news. YES, finally I have beaten the shit of this "life threatening disease" - OSTEITIS PUBIS.

Please go back to my previous blogs if you don't have any idea what am I talking about.

Here, I would like to re-emphasise that am not a frequent blogger and feel that this is the only way I can give back to the society, my friends or anybody who needs my help in context to Osteitis Pubis.

After struggling from this pain since 6 months, then struggling to get a good doctor who could do a legit diagnose, followed by a year doing regular exercises and finally I have reached at a state that I can jump, play, run, jog and follow my daily routine care free.

If you are struggling with any injury since long, please note the following:

  • Don't lose hope : One of my friend who is an athlete, once said "Never get frustrated about your body. It's yours, deal with it and make it better". Those lines echoed in my head  which never let my will power die. 
  • Don't try to be a DOCTOR : If you have any injury or pain which isn't subsiding, do not try to diagnose yourself with Google and become a doctor. You might be a good businessman/engineer/athlete but you are not a doctor, so consult one.
  • Multiple Opinion : Go for multiple opinions if you are not confident about your current doctor.
  • NO TO - "No PAIN No GAIN" : I have mentioned about this in my previous posts as well. No pain no gain strategy doesn't work all the time. It might make your injury worse. Have pain? You are doing it WRONG.
  • Strengthen all surrounding muscles : Don't just concentrate on one muscle. Training just one muscle would make the surrounding muscles weak and you might end up further harming yourself.

The following exercises helped me to get out of this. Hope this helps you too :

  • Bridging

  • Single leg raise

  • Hip Adductors (Squeeze ball)

  • Hip Abduction(With thera tube)
  • Hip Adduction (With thera tube)
Please do all the above exercises after consulting a good physiotherapist.

Be consistent. Follow routine. Skip your work NOT your exercise. You will be more efficient once you are fit. 

For any questions, drop me an email "" or leave your comment in the comments section. Till then Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy.

"Life is too short to commit all mistakes by yourself and then learn. Try to learn from others mistakes too."

Live the present